real screamo
Albums scraped2021-12-03T01:42:01.665Z
Last updated2021-12-03T04:23:25.341Z
Released at
31Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart1980-04-18
89Tom Waits - The Black Rider1993-10-25
23Antioch Arrow - Gems of Masochism1995-09-27
98Insane Clown Posse - Riddle Box1995-10-10
65One Eyed God Prophecy - One Eyed God Prophecy1996
96Swing Kids - Discography1997
50Orchid - Chaos Is Me1999-06-09
10Yaphet Kotto - The Killer was in the Government Blankets1999
71Pg.99 - Document #52000-04-26
84Shotmaker - The Complete Discography 1993-19962000-10-03
12Orchid - Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow!2000-12-04
28Jr Ewing - Calling in Dead2000
87In/Humanity - Violent Resignation: The Great American Teenage Suicide Rebellion 1992-19982000
53The Crimson Curse - Greatest Hits2001-07-03
4Saetia - A Retrospective2001-10-01
17Yaphet Kotto - Syncopated Synthetic Laments For Love2001
46Anomie - Discography (1994-1997)2001
48Standstill - The Ionic Spell2001
99Joshua Fit for Battle - To Bring Our Own End2001
83City of Caterpillar - City of Caterpillar2002-05-01
14Orchid - Gatefold2002-07-09
36Neil Perry - A Days Refrain/Neil Perry Split2002-08-20
51Circle Takes the Square - Document #13: Pyramids In Cloth2002-08
63Maximillian Colby - Discography2002-09-16
16Off Minor - The Heat Death Of The Universe2002
32Raein - Raein2002
68Funeral Diner - Difference of Potential2002
76Hiretsukan - Invasive//Exotic2002
94Neil Perry - Lineage Situation2003-05-27
86I Would Set Myself on Fire for You - I Would Set Myself on Fire for You2003-08
97Tarkan - Dudu2003-12
6Sailboats - Demo2003
15Mihai Edrisch - L'un sans l'autre2003
47The Spirit of Versailles - Discography2003
57Raein - Il n'y Pas de Orchestre2003
90Circle Takes the Square - As the Roots Undo2004-01-06
19The Kodan Armada - A Collection of Songs2004-06-21
82La quiete - La Fine Non E La Fine2004-09-11
61Textbook Traitors - Vinyl Collections Vol. 12004-10-26
5The Saddest Landscape - Lift Your Burdens High for This Is Where We Cross2004
27Welcome the Plague Year - Welcome the Plague Year2004
49Quantice Never Crashed - Quantice Never Crashed2004
59Usurp Synapse - Disinformation Fix2004
60Ampere - All Our Tomorrows End Today2004
75La quiete - La fine non è la fine2004
78Left Hand Cuts The Right - You Breathed Like Winter2004
73Orchid - Totality2005-01-18
37Jeromes Dream - Completed 1997-20012005-01
80I Hate Myself - Ten Songs2005-02-08
42You and I - Discography2005-03-05
45I Spoke - Fieldtrips and Friendships2005-03
11Funeral Diner - The Underdark2005-04
20Mihai Edrisch - Un jour sans lendemain2005-09-02
52Pg.99 - Document #72005-11-22
18Daniel Striped Tiger - Condition2005
25The Jonbenét - The Plot Thickens2005
22Various Artists - Cars Original Soundtrack (English Version)2006-06-06
91I Would Set Myself on Fire for You - Believes In Patterns2006-07-25
21Phoenix Bodies - Raise The Bullshit Flag2006-08-14
40Suis la lune - Quiet, Pull the Strings!2006
72The Jonbenét - Ugly/Heartless2006
67Cease Upon the Capitol - 2007 ep2007-06
44We Were Skeletons - Summers2007-09-01
95Rusko Star - Attention W***e - EP2007-09-14
30The Saddest Landscape - All Is Apologized For. All Is Forgiven2007
34Swallow! Swallow! Splinter! - demo2007
29Off Minor - Some Blood2008-07-01
35Suis la lune - Heir2008
43Ampere - The First Five Years2008
66Indian Summer - Hidden Arithmetic2009-01-20
54Combatwoundedveteran - This Is Not an Erect, All-Red Neon Body2009-04-23
41I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism in Your Yearbook - Discography2009-06-03
38Insane Clown Posse - Bang! Pow! Boom!2009-09-01
9Daïtro - Y2009-09
74Loma Prieta - Dark Mountain2009
62Justin Bieber - My Worlds2010-03-22
88Envy - Recitation2010-09-22
7Pianos Become the Teeth - Split2010-11-08
3Justin Bieber - My Worlds Acoustic2010-11-26
70Anna Blue - So Alone2010
81Arroyo - Arroyo2010
2Old Gray - Demo2011-05-06
69Ampere - Like Shadows2011-06
24Rusko Star - Blonde2011-08-31
33Old Gray - Old Gray/Girl Scouts Split2011-12-24
56Full of Hell - Full of Hell/Goldust2011
64Old Gray - Everything I Let Go & The Things I Refuse To2012-11-11
79Gillian Carter - Lost Ships Sinking With The Sunset2013-06-03
77The Saddest Landscape - Live At New Alliance2013-06-11
92Careless - I Wish You Away2015-02-14
39Shizune - Le Voyageur Imprudent2015-03-02
85BEAST JESUS - In Various States of Disassembly2016-04-01
55Gillian Carter - Dreams Of Suffocation2016-04-08
93Things Fall Apart - Things Fall Apart2016-05-13
13Saetia - Collected2016-07-15
8La Dispute - The Castle Builders (10th Anniversary)2018-08-07
1La Dispute - Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair (10th Anniversary)2018-11-09
100Shizune - mono no aware: eternity | burial2018
26Sevdaliza - Shabrang2020-08-00